MWC - Extremely Scarce Ghost Money

MWC - Extremely Scarce Ghost Money

Extremely Scarce
Ghost Money

MWC - Extremely Scarce Ghost Money

Extremely Scarce
Ghost Money


With a provable supply cap of 20,000,000, MWC is a scarce pure proof of work Mimblewimble based coin that enables greater network scalability, privacy, and fungibility than legacy blockchain protocols. All transactions on the base layer use Greg Maxwell's Coin Join with his Confidential Transactions and signature aggregation.

The MWC network was launched in November 2019. The goal is to be an extremely efficient and pure form of monetary sovereignty combining scarcity, proof of work and fungibility.

And the MWC buyers and hodlers are imposing their will on the world to make this tool a reality at the lowest cost possible.

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Mimblewimble is putting the pressure on other cryptocurrencies to adapt and find the right tradeoffs, creating a net positive to the ecosystem.
Guy Corem

hal finney tweet privacy

Proof of Work


The initial supply was distributed via airdrop in November 2019 to Bitcoin holders that had demonstrated their time preference.

All new emission comes from proof of work with the Cuckatoo 31 algorithm.

There is a C31 ASIC that has been widely deployed to the public by iPollo.

The current S2F is about 415.

The final two difficulty adjustment will occur around February 2030 and February 2040.

The tail emission after February 2040 will result in a S2F of about 2,100.

MWC Pools

Mining Calculators

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Unfortunately, proof of work is the only solution I've found to make p2p e-cash work without a trusted third party. Even if I wasn't using it secondarily as a way to allocate the initial distribution of currency, PoW is fundamental to coordinating the network and preventing double-spending.

Satoshi to Malmi; email 3

iPollo G1 Mini Miner

Get the iPollo G1 Mini Miner

iPollo G1 Miner

Get the iPollo G1 Miner



MWC is traded on these exchanges.

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It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Once it gets bootstrapped, there are so many applications if you could effortlessly pay a few cents to a website as easily as dropping coins in a vending machine.

Satoshi Nakamoto

What Makes

Good Money

Good money in the Information Age is (1) recognizable, (2) scarce, (3) censorship resistant, (4) durable & indestructible, (5) extensible, (6) salable, (7) portable, (8) fungible, (9) private and (10) divisible.

hal finney privacy
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Bitcoin is absolutely the Wild West of finance, and thank goodness. It represents a whole legion of adventurers and entrepreneurs, of risk takers, inventors, and problem solvers. It is the frontier. Huge amounts of wealth will be created and destroyed as this new landscape is mapped out.

Erik Voorhees

Satoshi Moved On


The software is available in the Github Repo.


Claim your monetary sovereignty!